I'm SUCH a History Nerd...

I decided to write another fanfiction for the kink meme about the English occupation of Egypt. I'm a one-trick pony, and my trick isn't even that good. At least the people who write really really great anonymous fanfiction spend tons of time on them and have stalkers and people proposing marriage and stuff. (I've gotten a little of both [insert misplaced pride here] but not like some stories that I've seen.)

This one will probably involve multiple chapters if I can come up with a suitable plot. Which probably won't happen. The history of Egypt under British influence is kind of sad and...effed up. Turkey wasn't in the picture anymore (besides some hatemail between that pashas and the sultan) and Egypt turned into some blood-thirsty yet bankrupt empire. Yuck.

Moving on...

I have an issue, that I have acknowledged before, of always being dissatisfied with the scale of what I write. This story should be big: there were tons of nationalist riots, wars, a booming cotton trade (thanks to the American Civil War...funny how things line up like that), and political upheaval every time someone died or got replaced by a pompous British lord. And my story will probably involved embroidery, small-talk, and weather. (I'm part British. I'm using that as my excuse.)

I should stop complaining and just start writing but I feel like I should do some outlining. I don't EVER do outlining. Is today the day I start?

Probably not.


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