It's Officially Summertime...

And the livin' isn't easy...

I'm jeallous when people tell me that they're bored. I've been working anywhere from thirty to forty hours each week and I'm thinking that it's time for a vay-kay. Namely for Brynnie's birthday. (I've requested three days off in a row. I need some R&R.)

Other than that, I spent this past Saturday at the Phoenix ComicCon with Cody, Nicole, and her sister. Never before have I felt the real weight of my physically manifested itself in my high-pitched squeals of joy and stopping of random cosplayers to take their pictures...I knew who practically everyone was, save for the random first-person shooter video game characters (Cody covered that base for me).

I took a picture of James Marsters (Spike from Buffy and Angel) and was jealous that Nicole and her sister have an autographed photo of him...ah well. I also met with an author and talked to him a bit about self-publishing and he gave me his card because he plans on having a workshop soon...

I also bought an autographed copy of The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor. "What really happened in Wonderland: no rabbits, no tea parties, no nonsense." It's a very interesting take on the Lewis Carrol stories and I'm thoroughly enjoying it (read: can't put it down). I'm 90% positive that it's young adult fiction, but there are a lot of elements to it that are very adult (a courtesan was mentioned in the first few chapters...) but that always adds to the re-readability factor for me. The example that I have of this is Percy Jackson and the Olympians, which is amazingly entertaining and the main character--Percy, a teenaged boy-- is very realistic (I should know. I live with one). Alyss in The Looking Glass Wars is slightly annoying, but she's only seven in this book, so I cut her some slack. I have high hopes for her.

Apart from ComicCon's excitement, my life is boring. I saw Sex and the City 2 with Mom (which was great! Not as good as the first movie, but fun nonetheless) and hung around at home for a day and a half. It's always nice to be with the family for a little while, even though Brynn gets really mad at me when I leave...She's so adorable. I can't believe she's turning six in a week...


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