Karma's A-Poppin' Me Tires!

I had my first flat tire today. Pretty good for having spent the last three years driving. I guess my record is ruined by the fact that my Amigo BLEW UP, but who's really keeping track?

Before that happened, though, I went in to see Dr. Farmer who is my professor for Victorian Literature. I had sent him an outline for my Wuthering Heights paper over e-mail and apologized for not having written a draft of the actual paper. My actual words were these:

"I've attached the vague semblance of an outline for my paper on Wuthering Heights so that we might talk about some of my ideas tomorrow during your office hours. I apologize for there being so little for you to look over, but I thought that anything would be better than nothing!"

When I got to his office this morning (where there's a gigantic poster of Keats. Why am I not surprised?), he was looking over it. "'Not much to look over?' You have an outline here for a twenty page paper!"

He ended up telling me that I had figured out the dirty, little secret of literary criticism (being that you can take any argument, chop it into little pieces, and quotes those little pieces so that they conform to your own argument) and that my main idea is very good. Then we talked about how Catherine and Heathcliff are TEXTBOOK Sadistic Personality Disorder. Among other things, of course.

But I'm happy to be on the right track with the paper, and to have started so early. Hopefully I'll be able to start writing this weekend so that I'm not trying to finish on Tuesday night...

In other news, I went in to buy a MacBook Pro today and was told to wait THREE MORE DAYS before getting it, seeing as their releasing a new version and the Computer Store's stock will end up being significantly cheaper. I'm sad now. I really wanted to play with a new computer today...


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